Melana & Maybell
Malena DeMartini, CTC, CDBC
Malena DeMartini is a Certified Trainer and Counselor (CTC) and Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) – She is renowned in the dog training world for her work on canine separation anxiety spanning more than two decades. Her books, Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs and Separation Anxiety in Dogs, Next Generation Treatment Protocols and Practices, have helped countless numbers of dogs (and the people who love them). Her online course for guardians called Mission: POSSIBLE has proven to be an invaluable resource in the industry, and the success rate realized there is immeasurable.
In addition to writing and lecturing for a worldwide audience, Malena oversees a team of top separation anxiety trainers and runs an internationally accessible certification program for accomplished dog professionals looking to hone their skills. Malena is passionate about furthering education in this field through science-based methods. Resources about separation anxiety and support with training can be found at malenademartini.com.
Mission POSSIBLE online separation anxiety course: https://malenademartini.com/possible
For trainers interested in separation anxiety: https://malenademartini.com/trainers
For shelter/rescue staff, volunteers, or fosters: https://malenademartini.com/support-for-shelters/
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